It was a bit of a mistake
But it’s finally happened.
This fool is no longer behind.
The foolsletters are now, infact ahead by a couple of days.
It’s really nice to have a bit of room, a bit of breathing space.
I haven’t felt like I’ve had that in a while.
So it goes.
Now that I feel as though I’m on top of stuff, I’ve breezed right through that barrier and at this moment, I feel as though I’m ahead.
It’s nice to feel as though I’m ahead.
I haven’t this way in a while.
One day, I’d like to even get ahead.
Though, I don’t imagine that once you get ahead that anyone would let you keep it for very long.
So I guess that once one gets ahead the rest of their life is shot with anxiety:
Who’s coming for it? When will I lose it?
A fool is never interested in getting ahead. Their own head is enough to manage - what with the trouble that little pea brian inside of it causes.
Instead, a fool creates silly little rituals, routines and benchmarks of expectations to help them survive.
That’s a dense sentence on purpose.
But a fool?
They know how to 'feel as though they are getting ahead’ based on standards and schedules they set for themselves. In doing so, they get to experience the irrational joy of feeling lik they are ahead.
And there’s little I love more than a head start with a boots then a tail wind.
Go ride your bike.
The Lake Charlotte Mountain Bike Association Presents:
If you want to ride your bike with me, check out the Lake Charlotte Mini Epic. Created in partnership with Cycle Nova Scotia, it’s a 55km ride and camping trip at the head of Lake Charlotte.
Come join us on September 28 and 29.
Check out this video to get an idea of what the ride’s like: