Visitors, last night? I shuddered at the thought, then froze.
This is gross. So gross.
I can barely deal.
My last day at my studio was spent digging.
We dug the trench to waterproof the less exposed side of the building.
Then I looked at my phone.
Torrential rains were forecast.
Cleaning up became more than merely putting tools away. Instead, I had to come up with a complicated Rube Goldberg plot to keep the water away from the building and out of the basement. Happily, my efforts worked. Sadly, there was something that I missed.
In the main bathroom, I’d take up flooring and sub floor. In the process of this, I removed the toilet and the vanity and sink. The subfloor is back. The flooring? It’s almost back too. The toilet? I had not attempted that task yet. That’s where the problem started.
Remove a toilet for any length of time and you’ll notice something fairly quickly. Things start to stink. There is no water trap protecting you from the gases and aromas produced by your city’s hum…