Rodney was salivating.
I could see a drop glistening just below his lower lip.
Quick as a flash, his pink tongue darted out retrieving the drop.
He was watching Trevor.
Trevor was squatting and still despite his discomfort.
His sides heaved once, then a second time.
Rodney’s ears perked up.
Could it be? Is it coming?
Rodney loves nothing better than the warmed up and moistened cat kibble currently inside of Trevor’s tummy.
With another tremor, Rodney started pacing.
Soon? How soon? I want it now you little meow!
Trevor wasn’t one to disappoint his little rusty friend.
With his gullet pump activated what took five minutes to go gown, came back up in an instant.
Trevor’s regurgitated breakfast glistened lumpily like prepackaged cookie dough on the hardwood floor.
I fled to the kitchen to get some paper towel to clean up the mess.
Though I bolted to the kitchen and ran back to the barf, I moved entirely too slowly. Rodney arrived first. He hoovered up the mess in seconds and was licking his chops for any last morsels.
The point of this?
There’s always something we reject, that doesn’t sit well with us.
Others in seeing this would love to clean up the ugly mess.
Others still?
They’ll gobble up what we can’t stomach.
Even more gross?
They’ll find it delightful.
The worlds filled with all kinds of peopole.
You’re just one of them.
Stay hungry you fools.