This seems to happen often enough that one might like to call it a ‘traditional reflection’.
Yet again, I’m sitting here in the basement in between Christmas and New Years and I’m tidying up the wood / tool / utility room / my hovel and I’m reflecting on life.
Right now?
Right now, I’m on a pause from scraping up the crap that accumulates between a couple of cracks in the floor.
(to do this well, I would also use my shop vac but that is at a job so my home will have to wait)
I tend to spend a fair bit of time at this time of year tidying up my basement, organizing my tools.
There are even systems where I know where to put stuff and I frequently remember.
But scraping out the cracks?
I only do that every couple of years. I could do it more.
I could put down a more finished floor, something with far fewer cracks.
But it wouldn’t matter.
I’d find some other dirty little crack to scrape out.
Because sometimes?
There’s nothing more soothing than getting down on your hands and knees and cleaning something filthy.
Happy limbo day somewhere before new years eve.
I was married during limbo week. My in-laws did so and my parents as well. We were all peace loving people.
It seemed like and was the perfect time for a relaxed bit of cheer.
I, too, enjoy this time of year as a clean up period. As I teach, this is a sacred time of rest and generation of renewed gumption to prepare to take the wild ride people call a semester one more time before the big exhale other people call summer.
I am doing paperwork, no ShopVac required, in my space with hot tea and the occasional toffee. The pace is slow and if something gets done, that's great. If something gets started, that's nice. If I get out of my head for a few hours, that's fabulous.
Happy New Year, Jim