Go on, make a fool out of us both.
Let’s make some assumptions.
It’s a great way to drive someone crazy.
I assumed my cousin would be able to drive my truck.
He could.
He struggled though.
It seems that a truck born four years after him has some idiosyncrasies that he never lived with.
Take the parking brake for example. It tends to swing with the wind. There is no actual brake, but the pedal bobs and weaves and causes a red light to flash on and off on the dash.
Apparently that is a great way to make someone really uncomfortable.
Even better?
Don’t specify that the truck has a key to unlock the door and a key for the ignition.
Then, giggle along with his partner as she describes him attempting to use oil to put the door key in the ignition spot.
But next time?
Hide a camera on the dash to capture the madness.
Because if you’re going make obtuse assumptions that drive people crazy?
You might as well film it.
That way you can enjoy things once everyone cools down.
Love the people who love you.
And piss them off with your shitty assumptions every now and then.