Ever see a golden poison dart frog?
They are small, bright yellow little bastards.
Cute eh?
Check it out:
When you’re this pretty, everyone wants a piece of you.
The problem?
This sucker is so deadly toxic it’s considered one of the most poisonous creatures on earth.
Like it, but don’t lick it.
The poison - batrachotoxin - will drop you faster than a bunion drops a bunter. (It’ll kill you PDQ)
We cuties need to be toxic from time to time.
It’s not you, it’s me.
It’s a great way to keep the kind of wack-o’s who lick frogs to stay the hell away.
So my beautiful fools - if someone calls you toxic, smile and agree.
It’s often better to be a hot toxic mess than the kind of person who goes around licking frogs.