It is… It is not. The clown, he lives in a state where this switches all of the time. He looks for this. Because things, they change quickly
Not long after that?
Carlo would smack someone in the head.
We’d make plans - plans to not get smacked in the head by our teacher.
Everyone has a plan till they get smacked in the head.
It is walking around. It is thinking that it is fine. Until it is not. It slips on a banana. It falls down the stairs. It looks to us as though to say ‘did you see that? I can’t believe that just happened to me!’ And when it does this? We laugh. Of course we believe your bad fortune, we just saw it happen. What kind of idiot are you?
Throughout this meadinging rant, Carlo would stealthily spend his time smacking us in the head.
When our world changes from ‘it is ‘to ‘it is not’? This is a radical change in the direction of energy.
You’ve experienced perpenduckularity. You were going one way - Then? Oop! Quick change! One moment? You are fine, charming, happy. The next moment? Smacked in the head. And the audience? We love this. We love your reaction. We all laugh at your misfortune. Better you then us.
The point?
Watch out for old, violent, senile Italian men.
They’ll insist you learn to laugh at yourself.