I’ve had it.
When I go to the grocery store, what do I find?
Ditto the drugstore, the liquor store.
I even find beggars at the Canadian tire way out in the boonies.
How could there be so many fucking beggars these days?
It’s a disgrace.
I can hear you meow:
Oh but Jimmy, don’t use the word ‘beggars’, it’s stigmatizing.
Ok. Let me be more clear. I even find beggars when I open up my craptop and look at Zuckerberger’s beast.
Ya see, I want to stigmatize begging.
I want to stigmatize the begging we find at every check out and every grocery store across the land
Would you like to make a donation to put poor one legged midget transgedered lesbians in sport? Please send help us send a decapatated diabetic vampire to summer camp. Every year, someone is born without a brain. You can make a difference in their lives by giving two dollars meow…
Fuck off.
Here’s a better idea. You’re a big powerful rich corporate entity. Pay more taxes. Donate more yourself.
Or better yet, match donations at a scale of five to one.
That would go a LONG way for social justice.
We get Face bonkers asking me to ‘choose a non profit’ because my birthday is near meanwhile that android Zuckerburger continues to grow more wealth with every fucking click.
Fuck that motherfucker. Mark Zuckerberg is a scumbag.
I knew a kid in Toronto - Leon.
Leon was from a small, incredibly poor Caribbean island.
From the time Leon was old enough to walk his mother would send him out in the morning to beg for change, steal what he could and would be beaten if he came home empty handed.
Those corporate fucks?
They’re like Leon’s mom
And us chumps?
We go begging for them, rewarded with the warm feeling of making a difference.
Want to make a real difference?
Leave these corporate fucks out of it and demand they actually pay more to rectify the issues that have arisen due to out of control corporate hoarding.
That is my birthday wish this year.
Share this message and tell facebook and all of these corporate shitbricks who use their check outs as screen based beggars to go fuck themselves.
For my birthday this year, I want to re-stigmatize begging - corporate begging.
And because this was such an ugly post, here’s a picture of my dog Ronan to make this all more tolerable.