I loves me my hens
They call me ‘the rooster’
You can call me ‘Gonzo’
I’m the chicken seducer
Todays poultry excuse for a ‘post’ was delayed.
I spent most of the day looking after the lay-dees.
The new compost capping hen house is now roof tight.
The girls are still at the old place. The straw there is rancid with nitrogen bombs and feathers.
They’re moulting right meow. Things in eggland should be on a hiatus. Their laying is based on the length of the day.
They’re still pumping out a couple of eggs per day between the five of them!
The girls don’t like change that much.
The biggest changes lately?
The change in temperature.
In terms of their new digs?
I’ll open it up to them tomorrow and let them explore it for the next couple of days.
Once they’re used to it and they know where their food and water are, I’ll start closing up their old place.
Wouldn’t it be lovely the next time we make a big change things could be that easy?
You’d wake up one morning with a cozy new coop - filled with clean straw and a view of the compost pile. What more could a chicken ask for?
Even better?
Once you were used to this new wonderful place, the old one, rancid with chicken shit would just get locked up and taken away. Sure, you had some good times there, laid a few eggs, but in the end? The place was full of shit and was getting a little small.
Here’s to silverboard insulation!
Note how ChatGPT gave the rooster a bad case of balls on the chin…