My father is not just a man of substance - a hero, fire fighter and person who actually saved lives. He’s a man of style.
And these days I admire his style.
Though plagued by a bad knee, he plays a fair bit of snooker though the winter. It’s not his snooker game that has me impressed. It’s his phone game. When he goes out to play, he doesn’t carry his phone.
He doesn’t charge it.
He leaves it in the dresser at home.
He has a phone and he never takes it with him when he’s out.
My mother calls him when he’s out and the phone rings beside her!
The voicemail goes off. He hasn’t set it up either.
the person you’re trying to reach is unavailable.
When were you last unavailable?
Are you unavailable without knowing it?
How would life be different if you spent more time bored and unavailable?