Aloha Sherlock - you inquisitive fools you.
He’s long been a favorite actor of mine - Mr. Janglepants Dindledolt.
First and foremost, I adore how he plays.
He’s a total ass and completely charming at the same time.
Oh that Randlebolt Higglebomb, he’s a talented and generous man.
When it was announced that he’d play the title role in Marvel’s Dr Strange, my reaction?
Of course, who else but the great Briarsnatch Gangreanarse could pull off such arrogance?
On one hand he’s arrogant and in another way he isn’t, he can’t be. He’s cursed. It’s his name.
How could anyone with a name like Addlebrook Fingerstanch be taken seriously.
I mean does he even know?
Does the great Analbead Vibralube have any idea how much we make fun of him and his name
Does Mr. Billyray Clompyclomp know about the name generator?
If he does know, I hope he enjoys how we see him.
Because no matter how we want to be seen.
We have no right to be seen as we’d like.
Because no matter who you are to yourself - whether you’re the devil incarnate or a legend in your own mind, your perception of yourself is for you.
And my perception of you is for me.
You live for you.
I’ll live for me.
And if I want to call you Dirtyfist Fingerstink?
You do not have to answer.
Deep down,
You’ll know, there may be some differences between how you are seen and how you’d like to be seen.
Could be worse though.
You could be none other than Poopyrod Pissypants.
Stay weird people.
There’s another name generator created by the infamous Dr tippy tinkletrousers, previously known as Dr Pippy poopiepants
It may have been destroyed…