I wrote yesterday about excited particles and distortions of time. These discoveries in theoretical physics I connected back to the fictional substance Flubber, from the movie of the same name.
I’m an excited particle that experiences distortions of time. Flubber is within me. Is it in you?
I actually speak Flubber. In fact, Flubber is my first language.
Is it really though?
Kinda sorta maybe not really but enough I guess?
That is to say, I don’t necessarily speak flubber. I more perform flubber, or move with the vocabulary of flubber.
I move in impulsive, erratic, comic ways. Tony Montenaro gave us the book Mime Spoken Here. Even before Tony, I was fluent. Silly, erratic and ecstatic movements come naturally to me. I don’t know how they truly translate into the written word.
When I get the Flubbers, I begin moving in highly specific and playful ways. I explore how each little joint can move or spin. I can break down any gesture into a series of seemingly infinite sub gestures that can be interrupted then resumed at any time creating and odd, almost mechanized patterns.
To see me, you’d think I was a marionette that became possessed by an impish spirit that’s just trying to figure out how to use this thing.
Besides movement, speaking is a pathway for me to create something.
This writing bit? This is really not natural for me and is a result of a lot of discipline.
But as I’ve developed this discipline, I’ve ignored another.
I forgot to dance.
I forgot that I speak mime as a first language. Well, my variation - Flubber.
What language do you miss?
What’s something you’re proud of that you’ve left behind and kinda miss?
Can you go back?
If not, how could you put something from this past in front of you again?
I’d show you a video of me moving in a ‘flubberish’ way, but I don’t have that recorded yet.
Instead, enjoy a video of me chasing my chickens.