I love our barn owner.
She loves horses.
She loves riding.
She loves teaching.
Much of the time.
Other times?
The things she loves become complicated and difficult.
She has said One day I’m going to retire down south and move away from all of this noise and I’ll be thrilled if I never see another horse again.
(I think that’s just a lot of talk)
At the same time?
I’ve watched bike shop owners stop riding and people with a surf business miss out on a lot of surfing because they have to work when the waves are great.
Do you do what you love?
Do you work for a living?
Is what you do a vocation?
Or do you know that the work you do is a J O B?
You know, something that’s work and requires effort…
Any of you doing a job based on something that you love?
In doing work in an industry you love or based on something that you love, does the thing you love become work?
Or are you able to find satisfaction by the mere act of serving others?